Mother Hubbards – The Story So Far

Mother Hubbards - The Story So Far

Reinventing Tradition At Mother Hubbards

A Mother Hubbard’s Fish and Chips Success Story.The extraordinary partnership between the cherished British institution, Mother Hubbard’s Fish and Chips, and the groundbreaking solutions provider, Kayana. Together, they have revolutionised the conventional dining experience, prioritising customer delight, operational efficiency, and business expansion.


With a rich history rooted in the 1970s, Mother Hubbard’s has been dedicated to serving mouthwatering, authentic fish and chips that have stood the test of time. Fueled by a vision to enhance its offerings while upholding its treasured heritage and unwavering focus on delivering exceptional quality and top-notch customer service, Mother Hubbard’s set out to elevate the in-store experience and boost sales. Through meticulous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of excellence, they aimed to achieve faster turnaround times and an unforgettable dining experience that embodies British culinary traditions at their finest.

Mother Hubbards Fish and Chips Reimagined

Mother Hubbards Fish and Chips Reimagined


Mother Hubbard’s initial meeting took place in November, during Kayana’s early stages. At that time, the market had in-service technology but lacked self-service options, except for larger brands like McDonald’s. In search of a solutions provider who understood their unique needs and could tailor the technology to their business, Mother Hubbard’s conducted a six-week pilot with a single kiosk before commencing the full roll-out. Presently, Mother Hubbard leverages Kayana’s distinct technology not only for self-service kiosks but also for in-person interactions using EPOS and MPOS for table service. Additionally, they utilise a comprehensive suite of operational systems to streamline their operations.

Reduced Service Times

Mother Hubbard’s biggest concern was to reduce service times, so we decided to conduct experiments. We aimed to determine the speed at which we could serve customers through the kiosk and hand over their orders promptly compared to the traditional method of taking orders at the till.

We recognised that it was crucial to take orders efficiently and streamline kitchen operations to minimize service order times.

During peak hours, self-service kiosks have proven to be immensely helpful in reducing wait times. This was concluded by the data provided by Kayana, saving 45 seconds per order from start to finish.

Upselling & Order Accuracy:

The kiosks feature a user-friendly interface that effortlessly allows customers to navigate the menu, customize their orders, and access nutritional information. This is designed to cater to individual preferences and dietary needs, elevating the dining experience.

Through intelligent upselling prompts, these self-service kiosks effectively encourage customers to explore additional items or upgrades. This strategy has successfully boosted the average order value from £12 to an impressive £13.60, resulting in a notable increase in revenue.

Moreover, the implementation of self-service kiosks ensures efficient and accurate order processing. By eliminating the potential for order errors caused by miscommunication or manual handling, orders are seamlessly transmitted directly to the kitchen. This minimizes mistakes and expedites the food preparation process, guaranteeing a smooth customer experience.

Self-Service Kiosk at MH

Mother Hubbards Fish and Chips Reimagined

Mother Hubbards Fish and Chips Reimagined

Mother Hubbards Fish and Chips Reimagined


We have achieved remarkable results in Mother Hubbard’s Fish and Chips in the past six months. We are proud to announce an impressive increase of 11.88% in Average Order Value, coupled with a commendable 6% reduction in service time.

Introducing self-service kiosks has been a game-changer, with an overwhelming 65% of our customers now choosing to self-serve rather than being served.

We have witnessed considerable operational improvements across our ten branches, with average service times decreasing by an impressive 7.3%. Our diligent efforts have significantly reduced order errors, with only 1 in every 1000 self-service orders experiencing any wastage.

Our journey with Mother Hubbard has been remarkable, offering valuable lessons for everyone involved. We sincerely appreciate the unwavering support of our dedicated account manager, who consistently provides the necessary assistance MH needs. Mother Hubbard was among the first to embrace our fully managed service, demonstrating great enthusiasm.

We eagerly anticipate continuing this successful partnership and strive to deliver exceptional service to our valued customers. If you are interested in a Mother Hubbard’s franchise, click here.

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