Kitchen Display System To expedite orders Quicker

Ready to take your kitchen performance up a notch? The Kayana KDS – Kitchen Display System, powered by Kayana Software, is here to help. This cutting-edge system keeps necessary orders close at hand. It allows both front-of-house and back-of-house personnel access to real-time updates — all while streamlining order management for more efficient operation in any food service environment especially fast-serving restaurants. 

Kitchen Display System Restaurant Technology

Improved Accuracy

Our Kitchen Display System (ODS) provides real-time updates on order status and progress, allowing you to synchronise your operations and keep track of customer orders at any time. 

Streamlined Operations

Our order display systems sort the orders automatically and send them to the specific display station based on order type.

kayana self service kiosk

Better Customer Service

Having the capability to manage capacity and track ticket fulfilment durations allows for effectively managing order times and maintaining high-quality standards.

Kitchen Display System

You can synchronise your restaurant operations better than ever by linking your front-of-house and back-of-house staff! Our kitchen display systems provide businesses with a comprehensive view of all orders, allowing staff to filter through new, prepared, or completed orders quickly. And with real-time ticket tracking, businesses can prioritise their workflow accordingly and ensure a fast turnaround in customer service.

Our systems can help reduce order errors and keep things running smoothly in even the busiest restaurants. With a more organised approach backed up by the right tools, you can help ensure your staff serve food with precision and efficiency every time. Give your customers a great experience in your establishment, and help to grow your positive reputation in your community!

Kitchen Display System - KDS by Kayana- Kitchen Life Simple
Order Display System for Retail

Order Display System (Retail)

Kayana’s Order Display System technology empowers businesses to unlock their full potential. Our centralised product catalogue is accessible from your EPOS, streamlining product editing and bulk stock reordering. Our ODS retail systems can be tailored to meet your needs, including custom screen layouts, order tracking, and full integration with your existing systems. By adopting Kayana’s ODS technology, businesses can save time and money while delivering an exceptional customer experience every time by linking front and back office staff together simplifying order processing.

Why Kayana?

  • Easy Installation
Everything you need to start can be self-installed or installed by our installation team.
  • Integration and Customisation
Customisable to fit the specific needs of different spaces, the type of display, the size and layout of the screen, and integration with other systems such as POS and order-taking devices.
  • Tailored Reporting
Access customisable reports, including a detailed overview of your stock variance, view available levels daily, and receive alerts when running low on certain products.
  •  Payment Plans
We can help you and your business to get started with our cost-effective solutions.
  • Payment Provider, You Can Rely Upon
Kayana is powered by Adyen, one of the largest global payment processors.Why not take a look at our feedback on Google and learn more about our kitchen display system.
Kitchen Display System - KDS by Kayana- Kitchen Life Simple