Contactless Mobile Ordering

Pasta with chicken and mushroom

What is Mobile Ordering?


Welcome to a new world of contactless mobile ordering. The world changed drastically over the last ten years, with major improvements in technology. With this change comes new inventions to help make life easier. In late 2013 supermarkets started adopting a policy of introducing self-checkouts, and at that time, it was not something people appreciated. Some said it was too early, and others said no, we wouldn’t use it. However, fast forward seven years, and in 2020 most people only use self-checkout. What changed?

The evolution of technology is what happened. as human beings, we have been found to want things done in a certain way, and most importantly, we want it efficiently.

Example One

How often have you been to a restaurant and you are desperately trying to get a waiter’s attention to pay, or even order or something simple, let’s say I need a spoon, please? Several times right and five minutes later, you have managed to get the attention you wanted. However, this experience now makes you have a terrible experience as that wait could have the difference between the perfect meal or an average meal.

Example Two

Ever been to a venue, and the staff is so busy you have had to wait to get served. That has to be one of the most annoying experiences ever.

Example Three

You have an order placed, and guess what? Your order has arrived, and it’s wrong. How frustrated are you?

Example Four

It would help if you left in a rush, and you can’t pay to be another of our favourite frustrations.

To help with all of these situations, we introduce to you, Kayana, a convenient mobile application here to help revolutionise the world of hospitality.



Initial launching for the hospitality sector, Kayana aims to be one convenient mobile application for any venue you choose to dine or drink. Use the application to reserve a table, order from the menu, and pay at your convenience—all of this contactless sound simple; welcome to the world of Kayana.

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