Changing the Way we Order and Pay is Here to Stay

Changing the Way we Order and Pay is Here to Stay


There’s no denying that the world right now has gone through some very tough times, but technology has always advanced to new levels to help balance the negatives out with new innovations and inventions that shock the world. One of the more modern, and most drastic changes that will impact on the global markets is self-service, and how we make orders and pay at restaurants, and even normal shops. In today’s article, we’re going to take a look at how the world is changing the way we order and pay, and how you can get ahead of the trend.


What is a Self-Service Kiosk?

A self-service kiosk, is a hardware and software combination that is usually in tablet form, that allows you to place orders, and pay for products, usually in the hospitality industry that increases customer satisfaction and efficiency when making orders for items. You may have noticed that there are more self-service restaurants that allow you to do this, where you can make an order and pay for it all from a touch-screen as you walk into the restaurant.


Why Self-Service is the new Normal

Over the last few years, major brands such as McDonalds, JDSports, and even Amazon have all gone towards using self-service checkout for a number of reasons.

This new horizon of kiosk restaurants is just the first type of business to really utilize self-ordering systems such as Kayana’s self-service kiosks that can take orders of any size, with any customizations with ease and take payments within seconds.

Although some people may prefer to speak to someone before placing their order, or if they have special dietary requirements – there is still a good chance someone will be available to order through – this is all down to your preference as some self-service machines do allow for dietary requirements to be noted, as well as other notes you can send.

What’s more, is that major companies such as McDonalds, since using self-service kiosks such as Kayana’s Self-Service Kiosks have noted a 6% to 25% increase in revenue from the re-used staff productivity and increase in revenue just by using self-service kiosks. This increase is beneficial for businesses of any size, making the shift to a self-service type restaurant or café could be the new normal, and will likely be everywhere in the next 5 – 10 years.

Self-Service is only just starting, with the current level of technology you can place orders, pay for your orders and receive items within just minutes, but at some stage this technology will grow to fulfil the whole process from start to finish, including cooking any food if you ordered some! This technology has only just entered the modern era and will grow continuously throughout the life of self-service kiosks.


Why is the way we order and pay changing?

Technology has come a long way in the last 10 years, more so than ever before, with more time and money being invested in the very best of technology – the next 10 years is going to be more advanced than ever before. Self-service ordering systems, especially in food-establishments, allow for easy, and more convenient ways to pay for and order your food. Food ordering software has been around for a while but is now a multi-billion-pound industry around the world and self-service ordering kiosks are just a part of this.

Whilst some people may be all for the change, it’s still preferred by many that the traditional method of cash in hand and speaking to someone to order at a café for example is still their norm. Despite this, companies more than ever are struggling to stay afloat with testing times, pandemics and global economic crisis’s that are adding fuel to what seems like a never-ending fire. Companies and businesses like takeaways, cafés, and restaurants can all see the benefit of using self-service kiosks like our own, where revenue is increased and customer satisfaction has risen.

The debit and credit card, including contactless payments have also recently hit the market in the last 10 years or so, with more purchases than ever been made through these small plastic cards. Nearly 86% of all card payments are now made contactless, and you as a business need to be prepared to take this form of payment. Card machines can be bulky, and in some cases expensive to run – but why not tie them up using a Kayana self-service kiosk that allows your customers to place orders, pay, and receive their items within minutes.


What about old-fashioned checkout methods?

It would be a major change if the traditional checkout methods just disappeared. These methods of checkouts are still preferred by the older population and in some countries is the only way to pay and order. These methods will not change for some time, until the likes of staff less-shops and restaurants such as Amazon Go/Fresh.

Not to mention that despite the modernization and introduction of cryptocurrencies and digital currencies that you can use to pay – most of the modern world still uses traditional cash methods to pay, I.e., notes and coins. Although 86% of payments are now made through cards, it’s still cash that is taken out and put into circulation, which would be a massive switch should it ever happen.

Closing Notes

Overall, modernization is never a bad thing. With recent advancements in technology and the fast adoption of self-service kiosks – there’s a clear reason why the way we order and pay is moving to this faster, more effective way of ordering. What are your thoughts on the way payment and ordering solutions are going – do you like this method of ordering?

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