Our Self-Service Kiosk Will Transform Your Restaurant: Here’s How

Self Service Kiosk installed at Stateside burgers in Hull. This is how to transform your restaurant using self-service

Our Self-Service Kiosk Will Transform Your Restaurant: Here’s How

Self-service kiosks for businesses have transformed customer interaction and engagement. They make businesses more efficient and save you money in various ways. Kayana specialises in cutting-edge self-service kiosks. In the business world, our kiosk solutions empower owners and customers alike to benefit from contactless ordering for restaurants, easy-to-implement self-service software, and more intuitive point-of-sale setups. Not only is the contactless process easy to implement, but it also keeps the world clean and healthy.


Kayana designs and implements self-service software and hardware for all industries. We work with charity, medical, and restaurant companies to facilitate contactless ordering, payment, and management. The result is a lean, streamlined business process that helps your restaurant do what it does best: serve delicious foods to your favourite customers.


Below we discuss what to look for in a self-service kiosk, how it can enhance your daily business flow, and how these remarkable machines have evolved the way we do business.

What Kiosks Will Help My Business Most?

Often, business owners wonder what to look for in a self-service kiosk. The answer to this depends on several factors about your business: How big is your organisation? What does your sales area look like? When do your queues surge? What kinds of products are you selling?


In the case of a restaurant, the answers to these questions can, in turn vary wildly. A small cafe and bakery will have different needs than a full-sized family restaurant or a shopping mall restaurant. While Kayana makes self-service kiosks for businesses of all shapes and sizes, we’ll tailor your solution to your specific needs.


Our smaller countertop kiosks offer a fast and flexible approach to customer ordering and interaction for a smaller point-of-sale. Pair with a printing service for tickets or receipts and reduce the amount of employee effort required to take orders. Customers are more likely to order extras when presented with the options in a self-service software menu than asking a waiter face to face.


Larger self-service kiosk machines are well-suited to larger businesses or restaurants, with many options for your customers via the display. This works well for food courts where customers customise their meals, for example, while freeing up your counter space and employees to tend to other essential tasks. This also benefits employees, allowing them to complete their work more timely and with fewer hassles. Since studies show that happy employees tend to perform better, it’s a net improvement for the entire operation.

Speed Up Queue Times

A lengthy queue time is one of the most frustrating experiences in restaurants, both as an employee and as a hungry patron. When people are hungry, tempers flare and patience dwindles–plus, it puts an undue amount of stress on your employees trying to deal with the traffic jam of people. In addition to increasing the chances of dealing with unruly patrons, it also increases the likelihood of errors in orders, which only continues the vicious cycle!


Longer queues also cause more people to gather, which can be a safety hazard in a pandemic, as discussed below. Reducing queue times and streamlining the ordering process will help make your business more efficient and save money by not requiring additional employees to take orders.


Kayana specialises in hardware and software integration with your business specifically to maximise the efficacy of your self-service kiosks. For businesses, time is money and your restaurant will flow more smoothly the less time you spend managing incoming orders.

Less Staffing Required

Contactless restaurant ordering via a kiosk eliminates one of the biggest time sinks for restaurant staff: taking customer orders. This isn’t to say that you can’t interact with your customers, but reducing the need for staff to translate orders between tables and the kitchen significantly boost your operating efficiency.


When you need fewer staff members in your restaurant to keep things running, it saves you money that you can spend on other vital aspects of the business or increase your revenue. Investments like this also free up the staff you already have to focus on other tasks, so there is no need to worry about downsizing if you’re planning to bring our self-service kiosks into a small business.

More Hygienic

The recent pandemic has changed how the world interacts with groups, especially businesses, and highlighted the importance of hygiene. Nowhere is hygiene more necessary than in the food service industry, where poor hygiene and unclean conditions can result in outbreaks of illness, costly fines, and more.


With the added awareness of public health risks, contactless ordering can help reduce the amount of person-to-person contact in a way that promotes cleaner transactions. It’s easier to wipe down self-service kiosks than having your employees constantly take time away to wash their hands. Of course, your restaurant staff will still want to practise rigorous hygiene to reduce the spreading risk of illness. Even so, self-service kiosks promote safer point-of-sale actions for many people.

Appeal to Customers

Kayana has found that self-service kiosks are more effective when placed within the immediate view of customers entering your restaurant. This makes them convenient and accessible, especially when customers are alert (waiting for their turn in line) and less likely to stare at their phone the way they might at a table. Customers are also more likely to choose additional options when presented with the opportunity to do so on their own during the checkout process, increasing their overall sales and customer satisfaction simultaneously.


Self-service software is customizable and presents attractive options to the customer with less ad space required for unwieldy signs and overhead displays. Our experts can help you pick out the right size and placement of self-service kiosks for your business, large or small, no matter what kinds of food and service options you want to offer.

Transforming Your Food Service

Get started planning your restaurant’s transformation into a more efficient and lucrative business today. Kayana is ready to help you succeed by embracing the power of contactless ordering for restaurants, streamlined queues, and reduced costs. Our self-service software is fully integrated with your specific business needs, and our affordable kiosks are adaptable enough to suit any space.


It’s time to throw out the spoiled ingredients of yesterday’s restaurant business and try a new recipe with top-of-the-line self-service kiosks. For businesses in the food industry, the benefits taste too good to be ignored! This is how to transform your restaurant using self-service.

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