Self-Service Kiosks in the Food and Drink Industry

Self-Service Kiosks in the Food and Drink Industry

Whether you own a restaurant or bar, your customers want a personalised experience that they can control. There is only so much you can do to make the experience as personal as possible but there is one thing that you can change to make an improvement – you can install a self-service kiosk.

While you might think that it’s better to have staff who continue to interact at every level with your customers, what if we told you that this isn’t what they want? This is because customers are looking for simplicity and there is proof that this is the case.

It’s All in the Research

If you thought that a touchscreen kiosk was something that your business could do without then you might want to think again. In fact, the interactive kiosk market is growing rapidly because more businesses are recognising the benefits that come with it. In fact, from 2020 to 2021, this grew to $1.71 billion and is going to continue growing. By 2028, it is expected that this will have a compound annual growth rate of 6.9%.

In addition to this, it is also important to give customers what they are looking for. People no longer want to wait around for their menu, to place an order or wait for their bill. So, six out of ten people are now more than happy to visit a restaurant or bar that has a digital kiosk while more than 50% of people said that they would leave if the queue was too long. Again, this proves that the self-service experience is now something that customers are looking for.

Give your Business a Modern Look

We live in a world that is driven by technology and the food and drink industry is beginning to keep up the pace. People actually feel more satisfied when they are ordering food and drink in their own time and on their own terms. They can avoid waiting, they can avoid poor service and they can make decisions based on a real-time menu. This is the real advantage of using a kiosk machine because you’re giving customers the chance to shape their own experience.

From customisation to reducing ordering time and speeding up the time it takes to pay, the entire experience becomes more efficient and streamlined. With modern technology in the form of a self-checkout system, you’re creating a modern image for your business and that’s what customers appreciate. They don’t want an old-fashioned, time-consuming experience. They crave efficiency, simplicity and control from start to finish which is why self-order is becoming common in many restaurants.

Encourage Staff to Be More Productive

Your staff are the cornerstone of your business. However, when they are conversing with customers, how can they be carrying out the other tasks that you expect of them. Whether that’s arranging tables, cleaning or serving, when they find themselves torn between tasks, you’ll soon find that the level of service begins to drop. When you install a self-service kiosk, there are no providing menus, taking orders or handing out bills because the customers take care of that themselves. All of this means that your staff will become more efficient and productive.

It’s vital that your business moves with the times and that’s why you should consider the advantages of self-checkout. Once you install the right system, you’ll soon realise how quickly your business will benefit.

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