The Benefits of Revenue-Share Based Leases with Multi-Party Split Payment.

Shared Revenue made simple with Kayana Split payments

Previously, revenue-share-based leases for the property were limited to only a few parties involved in the transaction. Why? Simple it was manually time-consuming to calculate revenue splits from the tenants. However, as technology advances, so do the options for payment models. Nowadays, multi-party split payment models are becoming increasingly popular regarding revenue-share-based leases. This article will explain a Kayana split payment model and how it can benefit businesses looking to enter into revenue-share-based leases for property.

What is a Multi-Party Split Payment Model?

A multi-party split payment model is an agreement between two or more parties that allows them to share the revenue created by the agreeing party. For example, suppose two companies enter into a revenue-share-based lease with one party being a restaurant and the other a venue proprietor. In that case, they could use a multi-party  Kayana split payment model to divide the revenue at the source. This way, each party would have clear transparency on how much income is generated.

Benefits of Using a Multi-Party Split Payment Model

The main benefit of using a multi-party Kayana split payment model is that it allows businesses to automatically receive their share of the payments over time rather than manually calculating and having a manually intensive process. This makes it easier for companies to budget their finances and manage their cash flow effectively. Using this payment model can also help businesses reduce risk because they won’t have all their eggs in one basket if something goes wrong with one party’s portion of the payments. Finally, this type of payment model also helps businesses save money on taxes since they can deduct amounts of the payments as business expenses on their tax returns.

Other Considerations When Using a Multi-Party Split Payment Model Before entering into any agreement that involves multiple parties splitting payments, businesses must ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities and how much each party is responsible for paying. Everyone must understand all aspects of the agreement before signing anything to avoid misunderstandings. Businesses should also ensure that all parties involved have sufficient financial resources available to cover their respective portions of the payments on time and in full. Finally, companies should consider consulting with an experienced accountant or lawyer who can help ensure that all parties understand their rights and obligations under such agreements and provide guidance on any potential tax implications that may arise from entering into such an arrangement.


Conclusion: Revenue share-based leases have become increasingly popular due to advances in technology which allow multiple parties involved in transactions like these to divide up costs among themselves via multi-party split payment models. These payment models offer numerous benefits, including reducing risk and allowing businesses more flexibility when managing their finances. Still, they must also be used responsibly by ensuring all parties understand what they are responsible for paying and ensuring those involved have enough financial resources available to cover all costs on time and in full. By taking these precautions before entering into any agreement involving multiple parties sharing costs through a split payment model, companies can ensure everything goes smoothly throughout their lease agreement and beyond!


Perfect use cases for Split Payments are listed below:

Shopping Malls
Train Station
Franchise Owners

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