Mobile Ordering

Kayana Mobile APP

Mobile Ordering Has Only Just Started 

Mobile ordering has seen a surge in use in recent times, but the uprise in users is only the start of its journey. The pandemic presented limitations regarding ordering food, which changed how the industry operated.

Although businesses had to restructure the way they served customers, mobile ordering became the perfect way of building a bond with customers when restrictions were in place. As well as offering several benefits for customers, businesses in the food industry have also embraced the convenience of mobile ordering.

The use of mobile ordering was commonly associated with fast food, but following the lockdown, customers using an app were soon able to choose from a wide range of culinary options from the comfort of their homes. Mobile ordering has evolved from showing menus to ordering and paying while receiving table service.

Technology Will Continue to Play a Significant Role in Mobile Ordering

Technology already plays an integral role in the food industry, but its use will evolve in the future.  Although apps and websites play a crucial role, businesses will soon be able to access a series of data that helps enrich the customer experience in the future.

The data will include what dishes are popular with customers and seasonal trends. The in-depth data can also upsell regular customers and promote special offers and discounts proactively.

Of course, a business will need to invest time into the app to make it a personal experience. Still, the in-depth data that can be reviewed allows a company to serve its customers personally despite the lack of face-to-face interaction.

The Choice of Food and Beverages Available Will Increase

Seeing new restaurants and eateries appear online is nothing unusual, but many people have realised that the options available are more complex than the simple offerings of the past.

Trends have shown that people are searching for healthier food online, and while there is still a demand for fast food online, restaurants are now catering to the needs of the health-conscious.

As well as benefiting customers wanting to enjoy delicious food without being guilty, offering a broader menu can also provide benefits for a business. Healthy options are perfect for enticing repeat orders and allowing a company to serve a new demographic, allowing for more recognition online.

Why not talk to one of the partnership teams to discuss how Kayana can help your business with mobile ordering. Contactless Mobile Ordering is set to change many companies that will serve customers over the coming years, don’t wait until it’s too late to join the revolution today. Mobile ordering is a form of self-service. Let’s recuperate that lost revenue from the covid period using technology.

What kind of business does contactless ordering work for?

QR code ordering can be sued for many different types of businesses which include bars, clubs, restaurants and cafes. Using our software for bar ordering helps bars and cafes serve more drinks quicker during peak times as staff don’t need to process payments and orders are simply served.


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